Produk CBG
Rangkaian produk ini mencakup 4 jenis produk CBG (cannabigerol). Minyak CBG, kapsul berisi CBG dan CBD, cairan CBG untuk vaping pen (rokok elektronik) dan CBG buatan tangan teh. Seperti CBD, CBG adalah non-psikoaktif cannabinoid dengan efek terapeutik yang menarik. Namun, jarang digunakan sendiri-sendiri, namun kebanyakan sebagai suplemen untuk produk CBD. Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa CBG memiliki hal yang menarik efek neuroprotektif, anti-inflamasi dan antipsikotik. Baca lebih lanjut tentang dampak CBG.
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Apa efek dari CBG?
Studies have so far demonstrated the following effects of CBG hemp:
- Sifat anti-inflamasi
- Efek neuroprotektif
- Stimulasi nafsu makan
- Particularly recommended for individuals with bladder dysfunction
The cannabinoid CBG was discovered in the 1960s and began to be used primarily for individuals with central nervous system disorders, including neurological conditions, chronic pain, and other issues.
CBG is non-psikoaktif, meaning it does not produce intoxicating effects. It interacts with two cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2), a property it shares dengan CBD.
Bisa juga increase anandamide levels. Anandamide is a naturally occurring cannabinoid that helps regulate various biological functions such as appetite, sleep, and memory. One of CBG’s notable properties is its ability to regulate neuron activity. It has been shown to block serotonin receptors, suggesting a significant role in mengobati depresi. Given its potential to influence the central nervous system without risks, its possible medical applications are attracting considerable interest.
Sama seperti CBD drops and oils, CBG oils can utilize the following approved claims:
"Hemp oil (with a natural content of CBG) harmonizes natural processes in the body, thereby supporting its defenses. It has a positive effect on heart function, cholesterol levels, blood glucose levels, skin health, and the function of muscles and joints."
How to choose a CBG product?
CBG is available in the following forms: Teh, Oil (drops), Kapsul
Teh CBG is prepared as an infusion. Pour 3 dl of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of tea, let it steep for 3 – 5 menit, then strain and drink.
Untuk enhanced effects, add a small piece of mentega to the tea. Cannabinoids dissolve in fats, improving the tea’s potency.
Minyak CBG, like CBG drops, harmonizes essential bodily processes and thus supports kekebalan alami. Memiliki efek santai and benefits the heart, muscles, joints, skin, cholesterol, and blood glucose levels. Mempromosikan deep regeneration, mental well-being, and good digestion—without causing intoxication.
paling terkenal product in this category is CBG + CBD hemp oil, yang juga mengandung cannabinoid lainnya seperti CBC, CBN, and trace amounts of THC.
Need help choosing the right product?
Jika Anda memerlukan bantuan, hubungi Cannadorra´s hemp advisory team!